Klondike Diary 1898-1899
Robert Hunter McCreary
Leechburg, Pennsylvania

Sunday May 1 1898
Went to top of mountain and to water falls, wrote to Laura in evening.

Monday May 2 1898
Sawed all day.

Tuesday May 3 1898
Sawed all day, finished whipsawing in evening.

Wednesday May 4 1898
Brought lumber down to boat, squared up boards, first steamboat Ramona passed up the river in forenoon, reported 500,000 men had been called by the president, war had begun with Spain and the capture of one Spanish war ship & Havana. Sent letter to Laura.

Thursday May 5 1898
Raining hard, two steamers passed up at 8:30 AM named Montecristo and Cousser both loaded down.

Friday May 6 1898
Worked on boat, steamboat Hamlin passed up at noon charged $20.00 passengers, $25 horses, $40.00 ton freight []

Saturday May 7 1898
Worked on boat all day.

Sunday May 8 1898
Snowed in morning, no work.

Monday May 9 1898
Rained all day, made wooden wash board, worked on big oars, steamers Montecristo and Hamlin passed down.

Tuesday May 10 1898
Helped Herber on skift, finished [].

Wednesday May 11 1898
Pitched and launched small boat, Will and committed going N.Y. party in obtaining crates etc. to Telegraph Cr.

Thursday May 12 1898
Lowry, Fred, Herbert and I started for deep canyon to prospect, failed to make it and came back middle of afternoon.

Friday May 13 1898
Lowry, his wife, Herbert and I started early to prospect mouth of deep canyon at the mouth of which is a very large pile of dirt and gravel which has apparently been left there by glacial action, got within 1/2 mile of place 6:30 PM, had to give it up on account of its being so late to make a portage over drift piles to another slough. Shot a duck on the wing, also one goose and crippled another one, got home late in eve.

Saturday May 14 1898
Spent day about camp getting goods in shape to go on steamer. Expect to get away on Capt. Armstrong's boat on Monday or Tuesday. $10.00 for passengers, $12.00 ton freight. Had roasted goose for dinner very fine, seasoned with sage. Herbert took dinner with us. Made pillow of feathers of duck and goose, picked goose for John [] for feathers, had the great comfort and pleasure of sleeping with my head on a fine feather pillow.

Sunday May 15 1898
No work, beautiful warm day. Will and I sang Nearer My God to Thee at 10 AM. Thought of Mumma & Laura May how I longed to be with them (at Mary's grave).

Monday May 16 1898
Went to N.Y. camp with Will and Lowry, around camp rest of day.

Tuesday May 17 1898
Went to N.Y. camp with Lowry after lumber for ox cart, met a F.A.M. man named Fisher from Middletown Pa. Went fishing in afternoon up to falls with Will, Lowry and his wife, caught no fish.

Wednesday May 18 1898
Around camp all day, bought razor from Wilson. Herbert shaved off my beard and mustache, expected boat for sure today. Ogilvie took on McKenzie [] outfit. Jerry & Herbert each got a letter from home. Skagat Chief passed up afternoon. Ramona tied up for night at N.Y. camp.

Thursday May 19 1898
Ramona passed up, spent forenoon reading and binding books, went to fish in afternoon with Lowry, no bites.

Friday May 20 1898
Fred & I went hunting at 4 AM, no good, came back at 7 AM, read all day. Armstrong boat came down in evening. Spent eve. getting things ready for going on boat in morning.

Saturday May 21 1898
Steamer Armstrong went back to Wrangel after new boilers, look for her back in one week. Spent day exploring glacier with Will, Lowry and his wife.

Sunday May 22 1898
Started 3 AM up the river for three days goose hunting trip, towed up stream all day, got no geese, spent pleasant night in sleeping bag.

Monday May 23 1898

Tuesday May 24 1898

Wednesday May 25 1898

Thursday May 26 1898

Friday May 27 1898

Saturday May 28 1898

Sunday May 29 1898

Monday May 30 1898

Tuesday May 31 1898


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